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Personality of the Model

Enter the desired personality of the agent. Specify the agent's desired character, such as "You are an empathetic guide, offering compassionate and understanding support..." This sets the tone and manner in which the AI communicates, making the interaction more personalized. For instance, if the chosen personality is "You are a knowledgeable mentor, sharing insightful advice," the AI's responses will align with this helpful and mentor-like demeanor.

Edit Model Creativity

You have the flexibility to customize the creativity of the model's responses according to your needs. You can enhance it up to a maximum of 1 for more creative outputs or reduce it to a minimum of 0 for more precise and focused responses


When you click the default personality button, you'll see a range of default personality agents available in Odin.

Default Personality Button

The Default agents in Odin AI:

Default Personality

User Identification block

User identification allows agents to recognize and interact with individual users based on their unique characteristics and preferences. This is essential for enhancing the capabilities of Odin agents and improving the overall user experience.

  • Add the User Identification block and save the agent.

User id